Why is Anger So Powerful in our Lives?

Are you feeling angry now? Join the crowd as we all feel angry from time to time at someone or something. Yet, often times we really don't know why? It arises from several sources: threats to us or our family, frustrations, fears, and rejection are frequently the main ones. Once one or more of these sources occurs, we start feeling the emotion of pain which makes our anger so powerful that it can control our lives. Consequently, we respond with powerful anger in the hope of removing our pain. Thus anger is a secondary emotion to another problem.

In our efforts to get rid of our anguish, we often resort to aggressive and even violent means to quickly remove the pain. Is this where your are in your life? As you may already have found out, this action only makes things worse. Other times we just hold our anger in, like I did for years, hoping it would magically disappear. This stuffing of our anger only builds it up until we explode. So what do we do?

After teaching about anger to Teen Challenge students (ages 18-70) for over 18 years, I have used a practical, positive way to express anger that yields positive results. I call it Respectful Assertive Anger (RAA) as highlighted in my book, "Anger Reconciliation." Using biblical principles, we emphasize respective words and actions that lead to resolution. We start by praying to God to calm us down and for words that will effectively express our anger. Then we go to the person pray with them, speak to them in a calm voice with respectful words telling them what they did to us. We dialogue with them: talking, listening, and then talking again. We set a boundary of not doing the harmful action again. In all there are 15 steps which are better explained in my book. I am thankful to God for showing us these steps that have worked over these 18 years. You too can use these steps to find freedom from destructive anger.
